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5 Actions That Promote Carbon Emission Reduction

Here are five actions that promote carbon emission reduction and, therefore, can be transformed into carbon credit generation projects, fostering potential new businesses.

Sustainable Soil Management

In Brazil, one of the sectors with the greatest potential for generating carbon credits is agribusiness. Although it is also a significant emitter, it can work towards neutralization through carbon sequestration by photosynthesis that occurs during plant growth.

Encouraging carbon farm projects, whose value is precisely to keep the plantation standing instead of harvesting it, has been a solution for companies that want to offset their emissions.

Another important and still underexplored strategy to reduce emissions is optimizing soil use for better utilization of organic matter.

This makes it possible to increase field productivity efficiently without the need to expand cultivated areas, which helps prevent deforestation – the main source of carbon emissions in the country – accounting for 44% of the total, according to the most recent survey by the Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates System (SEEG). Therefore, activities that promote forest conservation are crucial for reducing emissions.

Energy Matrix Substitution

Globally, the energy sector is the main emitter of greenhouse gases. Therefore, high energy consumption can be a sustainability villain in industrial activities, especially when generated from non-renewable sources like fossil fuels (oil and coal) or emission-generating sources like thermoelectric plants.

Thus, the global focus has been on promoting energy efficiency and diversifying or even replacing the energy matrix with renewable sources such as wind (wind power), water (hydropower), solar energy, or biomass. With a lower environmental impact for plant installation and potentially inexhaustible availability, this type of energy generation produces zero carbon emissions.

Reverse Logistics

Adopting reverse logistics, that is, enabling consumers to return packaging or even used products to their origin, is a way to reduce improper disposal.

Another advantage of this initiative is facilitating the recycling process of these materials, reducing costs and carbon emissions from obtaining virgin materials for manufacturing new products.

Solid Waste Management

If the waste produced by individuals is already a problem, in the case of industries, the proportions are much larger, including the potential for environmental damage. Managing the disposal of industrial waste, whether for some form of reuse or destruction of the reject (toxic or hazardous material with no reintroduction alternative in the production chain), means complying with the law but also an opportunity for an ESG approach to generate carbon credits.

In Brazil, companies need to meet the requirements of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) to preserve the environment and reduce the demand for landfills.

But beyond that, it is an incentive to adopt sustainable production and consumption standards, including the development of technologies and materials with a lower carbon footprint.

Adoption of Co-processing

Certain industrial or urban wastes offer no possibility of recycling or reuse, such as tires, engine filters, oily sludge, and even some hazardous products. However, instead of being discarded, these materials can be used as fuel for industries that require high temperatures (800°C or more) in their production processes, such as cement manufacturing.

The term co-processing refers to the integration between the processes of industrial waste destruction and its use in the manufacture of other products by replacing other raw materials to fuel high-temperature kilns. In this way, in addition to receiving appropriate disposal, the waste helps reduce the use of conventional fuels, including natural ones, thus reducing emissions.

Positive Impact of Actions That Generate Carbon Credits

Each of the five actions described here combines the pillars of ESG, as they aim not only to meet environmental criteria but also to optimize compliance with legislation and bring economic results to companies. These initiatives help companies reduce their carbon footprint and provide the possibility of generating carbon credits that can be traded.

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