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B4 celebrates its first anniversary with impressive achievements, accumulating 80 million tons of sustainable credits for listing

B4, the first climate action exchange in Brazil, marked its first year since the official market launch on August 13, and celebrates significant progress. In just one year, B4 has scheduled approximately 300 projects for listing, totaling 80 million tons of sustainable credits.

Celebrated on August 13, the first anniversary of B4 represents a major advancement not only for the exchange but also for the entire financial and sustainability markets. These advances are reflected in the figures accumulated over the period, demonstrating the growth of companies’ understanding of the importance of listing their credits, as well as other companies compensating for their emissions by purchasing these assets.

“Companies have started to understand who B4 is and how we are an important ally in the process of implementing a sustainability journey within their businesses. Many companies have sought out B4 to request their carbon footprint inventory. In addition, we are now working with almost 300 projects and 80 million tons of credits. In other words, companies want to understand what they are doing in the environmental context and what impacts they are generating,” says Odair Rodrigues, founder and CEO of B4.

The CEO also highlighted that B4 exceeded its initial expectations. “When we launched the exchange, we expected the market to move R$12 billion in the first year; this expectation was surpassed, and the market is more dynamic than we projected,” says Odair.

This momentum can be seen in the numbers: in 2022 alone, the global voluntary carbon credit market reached US$2 billion, and there was a significant increase in 2023 and 2024. Additionally, consulting firm McKinsey predicts that the carbon market will reach US$50 billion by 2030.

Given that the market has exceeded expectations within a year, the numbers are expected to be even greater by 2025. “B4 already has nearly 300 projects scheduled for listing, and with these alone, we have over R$20 billion in custody. The market consistently exceeds expectations, so it is likely that next year these figures will reach even higher levels,” says the CEO of B4.

Despite the positive outlook for the carbon market, Brazil continues to be slow in regulating the sector. This causes the country to miss out on investment opportunities and suppress global market demand. “Brazil is one of the biggest potentials for generating carbon credits, but regulation is needed. Without it, market players are forced to seek alternatives that nullify this potential, such as importing carbon credits. We need to change this scenario and raise awareness of our potential and the need for market regulation. This is what we are emphasizing,” concludes Rodrigues.

Climate Agent

Regarding the carbon footprint inventory, B4 took a significant step recently in celebrating its first anniversary by launching the operations of the “Climate Agent” – an artificial intelligence tool that helps companies measure their business’ carbon footprint, generating detailed reports in just 24 hours.

“The Climate Agent is part of B4’s mission to help companies understand the real environmental impacts they are causing, so they can reduce them. In addition to the AI-generated reports guiding companies, all data collected by the tool will be integrated into our Climate Action Clock, tracking impacts on the global economy and providing an overall picture of climate data in the context of CO2 emissions,” adds Odair.

The Climate Agent can also be used by individuals to analyze their personal carbon footprint and earn benefits. It is a free tool that can already be tested through the link:

On September 13, during B4’s next event, Climate Action in Focus – September, the official launch of the Climate Agent will be announced.

Environmental Education and Partnerships

In one year, B4 has held more than five free public educational events, in-person in São Paulo. These events aim to explain the sustainability market, as well as blockchain, sustainable credits, and all themes related to carbon credits, in a practical manner.

“During this first year of B4, we held seminars with specialists from various areas of both the sustainability and financial markets so that people could understand what we are experiencing and how the actions of individuals and companies impact nature. Moreover, through these events, we also presented the solutions B4 offers for implementing a sustainability journey in companies and mitigating CO2 emissions,” said Odair.

The seminars will continue to take place monthly as a way of educating the market and those within it. Along with the events, it has also been a year of many strategic and lasting partnerships.

“In our last seminar, we had representatives from Banco do Brasil and Mercado Bitcoin, just examples of major companies operating in the sustainability market. The goal is to grow and strengthen ties with companies that, like B4, have genuine commitments to sustainability,” adds the CEO of the exchange.

Future of B4

B4 has about 300 projects waiting to be listed. In the next six months, the company plans to analyze 105 of these projects, certifying at least one each month.

Each of these certified projects will be listed on the platform, allowing companies to initiate climate action projects with security, transparency, and traceability.

“Talking about the future of B4 is like talking about the present because things are happening very quickly as the market is accelerating. What we can confidently project is the certification and listing of at least one sustainable asset project per month – this will bring a flow to B4 and attract attention from the sustainability market,” says Rodrigues.

In addition to these certifications, B4 is expected to announce more news soon through its official channels.

About B4

Launched in August 2023, B4 – Brazil’s first climate action exchange – has already achieved impressive numbers indicating a vibrant carbon market and the need to support companies seeking to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the company’s work focuses on developing climate action projects to help companies achieve their sustainability goals.

Today, around 5,000 companies emit approximately 25,000 tons of CO2 annually into the atmosphere – just in Brazil – contributing to the acceleration of what we call global warming. With the goal of reducing and even mitigating emissions, carbon credits are becoming increasingly prominent, and platforms like B4 are emerging to create a safe environment that motivates, supports, and keeps companies committed to promoting sustainable practices, reducing their carbon footprint, and collaborating with corporate sustainability actions.

B4 has already accumulated more than 18 million tons of carbon credits under review for listing on its platform. Additionally, more than 1,800 companies sought B4 between November 2023 and mid-January this year to request their carbon footprint inventory.

B4’s goal is not just to list and trade carbon credits but also to act as a bridge for the sustainability journey, helping companies understand what can be done to reduce CO2 emissions.

“When we say that B4 wants to go beyond carbon credit trading, we are committing to real sustainability, guiding companies that want to create projects that reduce negative environmental impacts towards a true ‘sustainability journey’ – from the carbon footprint inventory to solutions for reducing these damages and, finally, transforming these companies into new sustainable businesses,” says Odair Rodrigues, founder and CEO of B4.

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