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Brazil’s First Carbon Exchange Expects to Move Around R$12 Billion in Carbon Credits During its First Year of Operations

Launched in mid-August this year, the company already counts with major corporations from various countries interested in trading carbon credits within the platform, which uses Blockchain technology to transform assets.

Acting as a facilitator in the carbon credit market: this is one of the main objectives of B4, Brazil’s first carbon credit exchange, which was launched this August in São Paulo at an event that gathered more than 100 people, including representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) funds, business leaders, and investors.

The company emerges at a time when discussions regarding the environmental impacts of greenhouse gas emissions are increasingly heated, along with the growing adherence of companies to the carbon credit market, which has seen significant progress in Brazil with the approval of Bill 412, which took place last week. The bill regulates the Brazilian Emission Reduction Market (MBRE), the so-called Carbon Market, and was approved by the Commission for Environment and Sustainable Development, under the rapporteurship of Senator Leila Barros.

The text, which now moves to the House of Representatives, stipulates that activities emitting more than 10,000 tons of greenhouse gases must submit their emissions reports, and those emitting over 25,000 tons will need to compensate for their emissions. Additionally, the bill introduces adjustments for the agricultural sector, which will now be required to measure its carbon footprint.

In this context, B4 celebrates, as companies will need to measure their carbon footprint to help address climate issues and aid in slowing climate change. “With the regulation of the market, the definition of verification and measurement standards for greenhouse gas emissions will become even more efficient and clearer. This is very important to prevent duplications or even attempts at selling fraudulent carbon credits,” says Odair Rodrigues, the company’s founder.

According to data from the Annual CCS Brazil Report, the country has the potential to capture around 200 million tons of carbon per year, a number representing 12% of all the nation’s emissions. Additionally, Brazil’s Amazon rainforest provides the possibility of receiving compensation for its preservation.

“Given Brazil’s potential to support sustainable projects, especially due to our forest and biodiversity, we have the opportunity to attract investments and generate jobs in sectors such as renewable energy and even energy efficiency, for instance. When I talk about supporting sustainable projects, I refer to the fact that companies with global goals to reduce carbon impact, by investing in sustainable projects, will also profit,” points out the B4 founder.

With the regulation of the carbon market in Brazil, we will have two markets: the voluntary market and the regulated one, which will primarily deal with large polluters. For the voluntary market, carbon credits are a promising business. It is in this scenario that B4 stands out, proposing to act as a facilitator in asset negotiation.

Through Blockchain technology, B4 offers a solution that transforms assets, meaning that carbon credit records become immutable, preventing duplication of credits and ensuring a transparent and secure environment.

“B4 emerges precisely with the purpose of acting as a facilitator in this carbon credit market, which is extremely valuable and growing rapidly, not only in Brazil but worldwide. Our expectation is that the company will move up to R$12 billion in carbon credits in its first year. Therefore, national regulation of this market is very important for us and for all companies and organizations truly concerned with global sustainability,” concluded Odair Rodrigues.

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